Nuno Gama
Born on April 22, 1966 in Azeitão. In 1986, Nuno went to Oporto to study Fashion Design at CITEX.
He has extensive textile experience, developed with numerous companies in fashion, all over the world.
Since the beginning, he regularly presents his collections at ModaLisboa.
Although he early began to sell his pieces at Mr. Wonderful; Desfile and Sospetto only in 1993 registered the Nuno Gama brand.
With which he performed internationally at numerous Fairs, Exhibitions and Fashion Weeks.
Several times awarded, for the delivery of his work, which highlights the Comenda da Ordem do Infante.
Since 2011, he has returned “home” to Lisbon. Where he currently has his atelier and shop, and also where we can find his collections, a tailoring space of traditional Portuguese construction, his jewelry line and a selection of objects by young Portuguese designers. Nuno has always stood out for the Portuguese nature of its collections and for the spectacular way it captivates us with its brand concept.